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Borfa 2024

Day 1

Today has been amazing! When we arrived at Borfa, we went to visit the RNLI station. We learnt about the different flags and how they launch the boat.

Next, we had our lunch on the beach before heading back to the centre. We learnt about the centre rules and we found out where our rooms are.

This afternoon, we’ve been rock pooling and walked to a viewing point looking over the bay. We’ve just finished food, sausage and mash or jacket cheese and beans! We’re about to head out on our evening walk. 

Year 6 out for day 1! 

Day 2

We’ve had another amazing day at Borfa (despite the rain!)

After a hearty breakfast, we gathered our equipment and set off on the bus to Mewslade Bay. There, we split into groups. One group did rock climbing whilst the other attempting caving. Unfortunately, the cave was inhabited by bats. We didn’t want to disturb them so we went on a cliff top walk instead. We then swapped over.

After lunch, we headed down to the beach to do some more caving. Back at the centre, we took part in an orienteering activity. We’re about to have our evening meal before some more evening activities. 

Year 6 out! 

Day 3

The final day for Year 6! We’ve had an amazing time! This morning, we did some orienteering in our teams. It was really difficult, but we persevered and completed the course! 

Thank you Borfa for such a brilliant experience! 

Year 6 over and out!

Year 5 in!

We’re really excited to be here at Borfa!

When we arrived, we had a tour of the Lifeboat station with Mrs. Percival and Mrs. Rees. After lunch, we packed up our equipment and headed out on an adventure! We had a look in rock pools to see what we could find and then set off across the rocky beach. When we turned the corner, we couldn’t believe our eyes! We were outside Culver Hole! We learnt about it’s history and had a look inside. We then had to quickly get back to the centre for our evening meal! 

We’ve just got back from our evening walk and we’re having a rest and a biscuit.

Year 5 out! 

Day 4

Today, we woke up and enjoyed our first (and very filling) breakfast. After this, Borfa staff explained that we would be heading out for the day to do some bushcraft skills. We packed up our equipment and lunch and headed over to Oxwich. First, we went in a nature trail through the Oxwich wetlands. We saw a pair of swans 🦢🦢. After this, we split into two groups. One group did den building whilst the other learnt how to light a fire. First, we tried to light our fires using flints but it was really difficult. We were then shown how to use a flint and steel, this was much easier! After we were confident, we split into groups to see who could build the quickest fire. We had to collect lots of dry sticks to do this. After lunch, we swapped over. We had to work together to build a survival shelter. This was a real test of our teamwork skills!

We’ve just returned home from a a walk and beach games. We’re settling down to watch a film.

Year 5 out!

Day 5

This morning was very wild and wet! Once we’d had breakfast, we made sure we had packed everything and tidied our rooms. 

Next, we learnt how to do orienteering. First, we had a practise around the Borfa gardens. We had to find lots of different letters and then try and put them together. The word was Culver Hole!

After this, we went orienteering on a much larger scale! We had to work in teams to find clues all over the sand dunes. Once we had completed this, we had lunch before gathering our things and heading to the bus.

We’ve all had an amazing time here. Diolch Borfa!

Year 5 over and out!