The school’s Governing Body comprises representatives from a range of backgrounds, bringing their experience and expertise to help develop the school’s strategic focus. The current Body is represented as follows:
Mrs. Louisa Reynolds-Milnes | Head Teacher |
Mr. Mark Thomas | Chair of Governors |
Mr. Howard Evans | Vice Chair of Governors |
Mrs. Katie Francis | Community Governor |
Vacancy | Community Governor |
Mrs. Vicky Davies | Parent Governor |
Mrs. Joanne Settle | Parent Governor |
Miss. Sara Smith | Parent Governor |
Cllr. Andrew Williams | Local Authority Governor |
Mrs. Sarah Hopkins | Local Authority Governor |
Mr. David Miller | Teaching Staff |
Ms. Kerry Stevens | Support Staff |
What did Estyn say about the Governing Body at Penclawdd Primary School in November 2022?
`The governing body is well informed, effective and committed to supporting the school. Governors have a valuable range of professional expertise and contribute well to school life and to its place within the community. They understand the school’s improvement priorities and the reasons that underpin them. They support leaders to implement and monitor improvement work well, for instance by agreeing to allocate funding for worthwhile projects and by visiting the school to see new developments at first hand. Governors make appropriate arrangements for healthy eating and drinking. School leaders manage finances thoughtfully and allocate funds to support improvement successfully`.