HT Weekly News

Welcome back to Autumn term 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,
We were thrilled to welcome children back into school it was a pleasure to see their wonderful smiling faces as they returned. We missed them!
We have a few new nursery children who have joined us, and they are settling in really well.
All classes are busily starting their exciting new topics and planning their engage visits. How exciting! Watch this space!
Our School X account (formerly twitter) shows many photos of the weeks events, I'm sure you will be interested to follow this as you get a glimpse of what's happening in other classes.
Applications for Reception places for September 2025 ( Nursery )
Applications with Swansea Council will open on Monday 7th October and close on Friday 29th November. Click here.
7th October - 29th November 2024: Parents are invited to apply for a School place.
N.B. Any application received after 29th November 2024will be considered as a late application.
16th April 2025: Local Authority (LA) notifies applicants.
14th May 2025: Date by which parents lodge an appeal.
Year 7 Applications for Gowerton Comprehensive September 2025
Parents/Carers of children in Year 6 were invited this week to a roadshow. This took place at the end of the school day at our school.
Bookings for personal guided tours will commence on shortly , please contact Gowerton school to find out more.
There will an open morning on 24th September at 9.00 Main Hall.
Applications with Swansea Council will open on Monday 7th October and close on Friday 29th November.
7th October - 29th November 2024: Parents are invited to apply for a School place.
N.B. Any application received after 29th November 2024will be considered as a late application.
3rd March 2025: Local Authority (LA) notifies applicants.
28th March 2025: Date by which parents lodge an appeal.
Friends of Penclawdd
We are so fortunate to have a wonderful group of parents and friends who are working hard to fundraise for our school community. In 2023/2024 they raised over £3500 by organising summer and Christmas fayres, organising a disco for Octoberfest, selling refreshments at events such as open evenings, sports day etc. Please see message below from the FOP :
We promise to give you a warm welcome!
If you cannot make the meeting, can you help us in another way?
• Are you working for a company that supports hours in the
• Can your company or do you know of a company that will match funds?
• Spread the word. Would your partner, friend, family member (such as a
grandparent) join FoP to help us out?
For more information, please contact any one of us on the numbers above - see poster
Calendar events
12th September- Polar bear class - swimming
18th September- National Fitness day
18th September: Flamingos and Sea lions class - drama workshop
23rd September- Book Fayre week ( more details to follow )
23rd September- Polar bear class : -Harry Potter Studio Tour
24th September - Sharks class : Wetlands Centre
27th September - MacMillan coffee morning
30th September- 11am - Friends of Penclawdd meeting ( all welcome )
8th October - 5pm -Friends of Penclawdd meeting ( all welcome )
All classes will keep you informed of trips/activities that are planned to take place.
We are under strict guidelines to adhere to Swansea City Council's attendance policy.
Therefore, if you request a holiday during term term, these can only be granted if your child`s attendance is over 95%. (Only in exceptional circumstances will approval be given if attendance falls under 95%). Even when it's your child's birthday please ensure they attend!
In order to promote good education, please ensure your child attends everyday and is no later than 8.50am. We appreciate your support.
Mobile phones in school
If your child walks home and therefore needs a mobile phone please can he/she drop this off into the school office. Please note that any mobile phones left ,are at your own risk.
Staff led activity clubs
Clubs will start next week and then they run until the last week of November (no clubs the week of parents evening). Some clubs will also be held during lunch time.
Playtime snacks
Our healthy fruit trolley is up and running. We have a choice of satsumas, apples, pears, bananas and sometimes water melon. Each portion of fruit is 30p.
Child's Play after school child care and wraparound (11.20am-5.20pm)
This wonderful after school wrap around / after school child care facility is now up and running.
We are very excited to hold this facility at our school and hope that it helps parents/carers with childcare.
Rhyme Time
Our fabulous Rhyme Time sessions recommence on Thursday 19th September. This is aimed and babies and up to 4 years. Please see the poster.
Little Learners’ - play and discover sessions
We are excited to let families and friends know about our teacher led toddler group.
Details of when the group starts and cost are on our poster. We look forward to welcoming you. Please give the school office a call to book your place. 😀
Community News
Christmas 🎄 shopping trip to Bath - see poster
Christmas 🎅🏼 Wreath Making - in school - see poster
Charity work
Please come and join us on Friday 27th September for the world’s biggest coffee morning in support of MacMillan Cancer. We`d be grateful for any donations of cakes on the day.
All funds raised will be donated to this wonderful charity.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Mrs R-M
Next INSET days :
Friday December 20th 2024
Monday January 6th 2025