HT Weekly News

Dear Parents/Carers,
As you know a team of Estyn inspectors visited us this week to consider how we had progressed in addressing the recommendation from our core inspection in November 2022. They also spent the day looking at our progress towards an area of our School Development Plan from 23/24. We are very pleased ! We will receive a summary of progress letter on 19/11/24 that we can share with you.
Thanks to our friends of Tabernacle for welcoming R-Y6 to the chapel for our Harvest celebrations. The children sang and spoke beautifully, and we were thrilled to see so many of our parents/carers and families in attendance.
Autumn Term 1 Class blogs
We have had a wonderful first half-term of exciting learning and each class would love you to read all about it - click here
Our annual ‘Design a Christmas Card’ competition for Penclawdd Primary School
See pic below which has also been sent via Seesaw.
Christmas Shoe Box appeal 2024 - please see letter sent via Seesaw
This year, our school community is once again participating in the Tabernacle Christmas Shoe Box Appeal 2024! Please can all boxes be brought in by Thursday, November 7th.Thank you to everyone who is contributing! Let’s make this Christmas special for those less fortunate.
Roy`s pumpkin - guess the weight - win the pumpkin or £10 cash !
We've raised £25 to date. All funds raised will be dedicated to sustainable growing projects and this includes purchasing an upgraded compost system.
Over half term The Crofty Inn will be supporting our fundraising event and the pumpkin will be on display there for the community to support us. The prize for the person who guesses the weight is either the beautiful pumpkin or £10, the winner can choose.
Fundraising for our School - Penclawdd Primary School lottery
We hope to raise funds that can support and enrich the education of our children - we aim to provide extra resources for the children, improve the school environment as well as run extracurricular activities such as music, art and sport.
Your support is greatly appreciated and we wish you good luck! To buy tickets please click here
Calendar events
21st November - Flu Vaccine
21st November - Choir - Wicked - Cardiff
25th November - KS2 to see A Christmas Carol - Cardiff
28th November - Handtied by Hollie - Christmas Wreath Making
29th November - Non school uniform day - Bring in an item for the tombola
3rd December - Reception, Y1 and Y2 - Theatre visit to see Shrek
4th December - Christmas Fayre after school 3.10pm
5th December - Nursery Nativity
10th & 11th December - Reception - Y2 Christmas Concert - 2pm
12th December - Christmas Jumper Day
13th December - Christmas Service in Tabernacle - 10am
13th December - Nursery visit to Gower Trees
16th December - Year 3 - Year 6 Christmas Concert 5pm
17th December - Year 3 - Year 6 Christmas Concert 2pm
18th December - Elf Day
19th December - last day of term
Community News
Halloween Party - Friday 25th October, Rugby Club 6 - 8pm
Community Christmas 🎄 events
Dec 1st Christmas Fair at The Crofty Inn - our choir are singing.
30/11/23 Christmas 🎄 shopping trip to Bath - now FULL
Thurs 28/11/24 : 3.30-5.30pm Christmas 🎅🏼 Wreath Making - in school - contact the office
Happy half term.
Mrs R-M
Next INSET days :
Friday December 20th 2024
Monday January 6th 2025