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Our PPS Curriculum Summary


Curriculum design is an ongoing process of continuing improvement.  At Penclawdd Primary School, we recognise that we have both mandatory and statutory duties.  

The Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021 puts mandatory duties on schools - things they are legally required to do.  Schools must also have ‘due regard’ to statutory guidance when carrying out their duties.

Please click here to access a summary, which explains the difference between ‘mandatory’ and ‘statutory guidance’, and sets out the requirements in clear, bulleted form.

The headteacher and the Governing Body jointly adopt our curriculum and assessment arrangements through ratification of policy and practice.   It is continually kept under review through the school's self evaluation processes. 

Practitioners, learners, parents, carers and the wider community are consulted with regularly.  Curriculum design is constantly reviewed in light of feedback from a variety of stakeholders. eg Forms regarding curriculum design, questionnaires, pupil voice groups etc   

An introduction to creating our Curriculum 

Our School Curriculum covers all aspects of the skills, knowledge and experiences that Pupils will encounter whilst learning at our school. This section of our website has been created to provide you with a summary of our School Curriculum We hope that this will give you a good idea of what our Curriculum looks like, and what your child will be learning at school. 

Our current Curriculum was put in place in 2008 by Welsh Government and, as you’d agree, a lot has changed in that time! The skills, knowledge and experiences that our Pupils need in 2022 and beyond are very different to those of the past, and so the new curriculum is something that is very much welcomed by Schools across Wales. 

At Penclawdd Primary School , we have been working hard since 2018 in preparing for this rollout ( see roadmap) . We have worked together with our various stakeholders, including our cluster , NGP , to establish and create a new Curriculum for our Schools, in line with the statutory guidance produced by Welsh Government ‘Curriculum for Wales’, which we feel now reflects the views and opinions of everyone involved in the process. 

This piece of work has taken a number of years to put in place; not only focussing on content and skills, but embedding and developing our approaches to teaching and learning, ensuring that our Schools are ready and prepared for the roll out of the new Curriculum in September 2022. 

Our work has involved a range of different groups through a range of different ways; seeking input from Parents via online questionnaires, meeting with Staff to discuss skills and progression, talking with Governors regarding the vision for our Curriculum and of course, most importantly, discussing the new curriculum with our learners. As a result of the work carried out by the school we are now in a position to begin introducing our new Curriculum in September 2022. 

Designing and creating a Curriculum is a lengthy process, as we consider what it is that our Pupils need to learn whilst they are with us, and how we build this up over their Primary journey and on into their secondary education. We have aimed to ensure that as many people as possible have been able to help shape this, including external professionals, and as a result we have developed a Curriculum that we feel will truly provide our Pupils with a rich experience of education. 

Curriculum Content 

At Penclawdd we use an overview of what Pupils in each year group within the school will be able to experience as part of our progressive Curriculum, whilst also understanding that this is flexible and that we will always utilise Pupils interests and experiences in directing the teaching and learning that takes place in the classroom. 

It is not a detailed list, but a summary of what your child will develop at school.

Pupil Voice - Article 12 

We are a Silver Rights Respecting School and Pupil Voice is at the centre. 

  • Pupil voice group members are elected interviewed or voted for by the children.
  • Pupil groups develop action plans which help to improve the school and enhance learning experiences for all. 
  • Children understand how they learn best and choose their own style. 
  • Pupils link with other community groups to have their say on their local area 
  • Children develop ideas and lead their learning through pupil planning and reflections 


We learn about our locality and make links nationally and internationally. There are many exciting visits during the year to engage pupils and enhance learning. Penclawdd Primary School encourages children to experiment in fun and engaging hands on activities to help develop understanding. Children can attend a range of extra curricula clubs either during or after school. Children have lots of opportunities to learn in outside in our beautiful school grounds. 

We invite professionals in to share their real life knowledge , experience to ensure authentic real life contexts. 


Our planning is centered around the 12 pedagogical principles. Staff conduct their own action research to improve our practice and results. We share good practice with other schools and organisations in the cluster. 

The 4 Purposes

This Curriculum summary aims to provide an overview of what our Curriculum involves and how our Curriculum meets the requirements of the Curriculum for Wales, including the importance of the 4 core purposes of Education. 

The 4 purposes is at the heart of the our curriculum. These are integral for all decisions on the content and experiences developed as part of the curriculum to support all children and young people to be: 

  • ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives. 
  • enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work. 
  • ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world. 
  • healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society. 

Our curriculum Vision and motto 

This illustrates our stakeholder Vision for learning and teaching : 

In addition to our whole school vision, we are working as a School Community to establish individual visions for each area of the new curriculum. The new curriculum is split into 6 key areas (known as ‘Areas of learning and Experience’ or AoLE) which are : 

  • Expressive arts. 
  • Health and Well-being. 
  • Humanities (including RVE) 
  • Languages, Literacy and Communication (including Welsh) 
  • Mathematics and Numeracy. 
  • Science and Technology 

Meeting the required elements of the Curriculum for Wales 

From our Curriculum Design Work, we have established a Curriculum ( see below ) that meets the required elements of the Curriculum for Wales, whilst providing a rich and interesting knowledge base. We feel that our New Curriculum; 

  • Enables learners to develop in the way described in the four purposes above 
  • Provides for appropriate progression across the school, according to the principles of progression set out in the ‘Progression Code’  
  • Is suitable for learners of differing ages, abilities and aptitudes 
  • Is broad and balanced 
  • Encompasses the concepts set out in the statements of what matters in the ‘Statement of What Matters Code’ 
  • Provides for learning and teaching that encompasses each of the Areas of Learning and Experience 
  • Includes Welsh language development opportunities, RSE and RVE 
  • Promotes Cross-Curricular skills 

Implementing the Curriculum 

As part of our implementation of the New Curriculum, careful consideration has been given as to how we will effectively implement the new Curriculum within Penclawdd. When planning for implementing our Curriculum we aim to ensure that the Curriculum is implemented in a way that; 

  • Enables all learners to develop in ways described in the four purposes 
  • Secures learning that offers appropriate progression for each learner 
  • Is suitable for each learners age, ability and aptitude 
  • Take account of each learner’s additional learning needs (if any) 
  • Secures broad and balanced learning and teaching for each learner 
  • Encompasses elements of English and Welsh, the cross-curricular skills and RSE and RVE 

Assessment and Securing progress within the Curriculum 

At Penclawdd Primary School we understand that all Pupils bring with them their own skills, knowledge and experiences when they start school. We know that children do not all start at the same starting point and that our job as a school is to identify where Pupils are on their learning journey and to plan the teaching and learning necessary to move them on. Within the school we use a range of strategies and approaches to assessment which inform our teaching and learning process within the class setting. As a school we will make use of a wide range of assessment approaches and more information about how we will assess your child’s progress at school can be found in our Teaching and learning policy. As a summary our schools will utilise: 

  • Personalised Assessments (as part of the National Approach) 
  • Baseline assessments 
  • Standardised Assessments (for diagnostic purposes) 
  • Staff Professional Judgements 
  • Skills tracking 
  • Marking and Feedback 

Children reflect on targets and identify their own next steps to success. They use the purple pen for this. A range of AfL strategies provides a snapshot assessment to inform our practice. Learners have the opportunity to self and peer assess their work and support each other to suggest ways to develop. Effective questioning help children to move their learning forward. Together with the teacher pupils set targets and monitor their progress. 

Learning experiences 

Our curriculum is unique to our school and puts pupil voice at the centre. Through creative and meaningful activities, pupils experience a thematic approach to learning that helps them create connections and learn through memorable experiences that cater to all pupils.  

Class topics 

Broad class topics that focus on particular AoLEs are followed by each class in the school. Examples include the following: 

  • On our doorstep 
  • Frozen kingdom 
  • Misty Mountains 
  • Blue Abyss 
  • Fairy Tales and castles 
  • Cynefin 

EPIC - Everyone planning in class (Child-led planning) 

Rainbow of Learning and Missions 

Each class share their BIG question and key concepts for learning at the start of the term and learners have sessions where they plan what they’d like to learn about from the topic and set class challenges/missions.  As the topic evolves, children add additional ideas to the EPIC board for completion.  From these ideas, differentiated missions (one star. two star and galaxy missions) are set for the children to complete.  In Y3 - 6, children develop an independent success criteria and self/peer assess their work when complete.  N- 2 learners are further supported in their development of independence by completing their 'Rainbow of Learning'.  As children complete their missions, children collect the coloured lollipop sticks assigned to the mission.  Children are expected to collect all lollipop sticks by the end of the week. 

The learning journey 


 A stage of learning that provides children with an inspiring and thought provoking starting point that stirs curiosity and initiates interest. Children engage in purposeful and contextualised learning experiences; in and outside the classroom, making best use of partners, experts and the community to provide the stimulus to learn. To ensure that children are immediately ‘engaged’, teachers provide a range of memorable experiences and starting points that stimulate children's interests in a particular theme or concept.  


A stage of learning that provides children with an opportunity to develop and master key skills, subject knowledge, research techniques and independence. Children become industrious learners making sense of information and experiences, leading to sound understanding and progress. Children DEVELOP their knowledge, understanding, key and subject skills required to progress their learning and attainment through quality differentiation, focused learning tasks and high quality relevant learning experiences.  


A stage of learning that challenges children’s ability to work creatively, exploring possibilities and finding solutions. Using and applying previously learned skills, knowledge and understanding children work collaboratively to innovate, managing their own learning to achieve given success criteria. Teachers provide an imaginative and relevant provocation or scenario that provides opportunities to observe how successfully children can use, apply and problem solve in creative and imaginative ways.  

Sharing the learning/ Express  

A stage of learning that empowers children to share, celebrate and reflect with a range of partners and audiences. Children cement their learning through shared reflection with peers and other adults and are able to suggest next steps of learning. Teachers discuss, review and support individual and group evaluations using their observations and evidence to make summative assessments. 

Shoot for the stars at Penclawdd 

We believe in having a ‘Growth Mindset’ and have cultivated a positive ‘learning to learn’ mindset across the school, where learners are taught the importance of being resilient, resourceful, reciprocal and reflective in their learning. Rooted in Vygotsky’s theory about the ‘zone of proximal development’, we believe in scaffolding, supporting and then challenging all learners to achieve. Our ‘Star Challenges’ have developed from this desire to ensure that we never put a ‘ceiling’ on our learners’ learning and that we always allow them to take their learning as far as they want to go! In this way, the ‘Star Challenges’ have enabled our learners to take ownership of their own learning as they strive to become ‘Ambitious, Capable Learners’.  Learners are encouraged and supported to self-select their initial ‘Star Challenge’ stage but can choose to move to another ‘Star Challenge’ stage as and when appropriate, depending on their understanding of the learning.  Star Challenges are a brilliant tool for any teacher to work with differentiation, they provide motivation and aspiration for all learners. Each child can have access to a 1 star, 2 star or a galaxy challenge.  

Reviewing the Curriculum - working together 

We understand that the process of designing and implementing a Curriculum is one that is done so with an element of flexibility; understanding that as the world around us changes, so to do the skills and knowledge that we deliver to Pupils. It is our aim to continually revisit and revise our Curriculum to ensure that it remains fit for purpose and meets the needs of our learners. 

Our Curriculum will be reviewed termly to ensure that there is appropriate coverage of skills within the school, which will be part of our usual monitoring processes. We will monitor, evaluate and review our processes supporting each other to continuously drive our vision 

The process of reviewing the Curriculum will be based on feedback received from Staff, Pupils and Parents and ongoing revision will be a key part as we refine and embed a Curriculum for all. We will also continue to work closely with our NGP cluster of schools ,other schools, LA and institutions in ensuring that our Curriculum continues to be an effective tool for supporting the teaching and learning process within our schools. Through feedback from all stakeholders we develop our school improvement plan ensuring the targets meet the needs of the school and its learners. 

We will work with the cluster to develop assessment arrangements as they adapt to the new curriculum requirements 

If you would like any further information about our Curriculum and approaches to teaching and learning please feel free to visit our website where further details about our Curriculum can be found. 

Alternatively, you are welcome to get in touch with us at the school where we will be happy to discuss our Curriculum further with you.