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Foundation Phase apps

  • Campau Cosmig A series of sixty plus mini-games in Welsh designed to teach and improve Welsh vocabulary and skills. Cyfres o dros chwedeg o gemau yn Gymraeg wedi eu datblygu i ddysgu a gwella geirfa Cymraeg.

  • Byd Cyw Based in the colourful world of S4C’s preschool brand, the Cyw app features different play zones for kids to explore with their favourite Cyw characters. In each zone is a special activity and loads of things to interact with - so be sure to click on everything to bring the characters and the world to life! Wedi’ selio ym myd lliwgar brand meithrin S4C, mae’r ap yn cynnwys gwahanol ardaloedd i blant chwarae a fforio gyda’u hoff gymeriadau. Mae gweithgaredd arbennig i bob ardal, a llond lle o bethau i chwarae â nhw - felly cofiwch dapio popeth ar y sgrin i ddod â’r byd yn fyw.

  • Llyfrau Hwyl Magi Ann 1-5 Mae Menter Iaith Sir y Fflint yn cyflwyno: ap newydd i helpu disgyblion yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen i ddarllen Cymraeg Menter Iaith Sir y Fflint present: a new app to help pupils in the Foundation Phase to learn to read in Welsh Dewch i ddarllen gyda Magi Ann, Pero, Tedi, Doli a Dicw Come and read with Magi Ann, Pero, Teddy, Dolly and Dicw 10 stori syml - Llyfrau bach Magi Ann - 10 easy stories Darllenwch, gwrandewch a thapiwch eiriau unigol i glywed ynganiad ac i weld cyfieithiad Read along, listen and tap individual words to hear pronunciation and to see a translation

  • Betsan a Roco yn y Pentref An exciting new app for the youngest learners in the Foundation Phase. It includes a series of games that will give learners the opportunity to develop their Welsh language skills in a fun and interesting way. The activities have been carefully designed to develop specific literacy and numeracy skills, in accordance with the Foundation Phase Framework. The app accompanies the popular Canolfan Peniarth series, Exploring the Environment, and is based on the village in the series. However, users do not need to be familiar with the series to enjoy the app. The challenge for the children is to visit different buildings in the village and successfully complete the activities within them.

  • Tric a Chlic Tric a Chlic is one of the most popular resources that Canolfan Peniarth has published. The Tric a Chlic resource is a progressive and systematic synthetic phonic reading scheme for the Foundation Phase, which incorporates three steps. Following the success of the scheme within primary schools across Wales, Canolfan Peniarth has now developed an iOS app to go with Tric a Chlic.

APPS CYMRAEG-Foundation Phase

  1. Magi Ann Apps
  2. Betsan a Roco yn y Pentref
  3. Fflic a Fflac iBooks
  4. Welsh for kids and babies
  5. Cymraeg for kids App
  6. Pacca Alpaca
  7. Babog Baby
  8. CYW
  9. Tric a Chlic
  10. Welsh 4 kids- Colours and Shapes
  11. Ar y fferm
  12. Welsh Learning for Kids