Local Business links
We have close links with many of the local businesses which we use to enhance teaching and learning at Penclawdd Primary School.
Here are a few examples:
- Highgrove Homes, the contractor who built the recent family housing development ,came to school to lead an assembly on construction and health and safety
- Selwyn`s Seafoods sponsored our STEM hoodies
- We visit GG`s regularly as part of topic work. Our choir often sings at events
- Crofty Sheds have supported us by donating planters to develop our Y6 garden area
- Gower Timber have welcomed Y4/5 on site to look at materials to build a fence - they donated ALL the materials it for FREE!!
- Classes often visit CK`s and our choir performs in the store at Christmas time. CK`s make regular donations to support us
- Tuckers Butchers kindly donate to our PA and other events
- A wide number of small local businesses regularly donate to our raffles - we are very grateful ( see pic)
- A wide number of local businesses support our weekly staff well-being prizes - Roma , The Poundffald, GG`S etc
- We are currently working with Cariad to set up a community Sgwrs Gymraeg /Cafe clonc
- We have been successful in accessing a grant from The Gower Society
- During the pandemic Admiral kindly donated a stationary filled pencil case for every child!